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The process of Chapter 7 bankruptcy is more accessible than its alternative, Chapter 13. Unlike in the case where you have to pay back creditors with after-disposable income for three or five years (depending on your situation), there are no such requirements with this type as long as all necessary funds are made available upfront. It’s best to consult with a bankruptcy attorney about your case.
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The short answer: yes. Under the federal law, the information from bankruptcy cases is a matter of public record and can be accessed by anyone.
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Declaring bankruptcy is a serious decision that will have long-term effects on your credit. Bankruptcy can stay on report for 7 to 10 years, making it difficult if not impossible in some cases to get approved for loans with reasonable rates or open new bank accounts. Before deciding, talk to an attorney that specializes in bankruptcy.
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Although rare, the main reason for a denial could be due to a simple lack of attention to detail, errors made on petitions, or fraud itself. In this situation, the filing party will continue to be liable for the debts. Talking to an experienced bankruptcy attorney is a great start to evaluate your case.
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Each state is different. In Texas, you have two years. In California, you can sue for injuries from a car accident within six months, but you have three years to file for property damages. The whole process varies depending on your case and where it’s filed. Wherever you are, contact an attorney for a consultation. In our case, the first appointment is free.
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If you’re involved in an accident, it’s important to call your insurance company right away. But it’s also important not to give a statement to your insurance company — or the opposing party’s insurance company. Why? Because they don’t have your best interests at heart. They’re looking to minimize the amount of money they have to pay out, and they may use your statement against you.
So, it’s best to just give them the facts and let your lawyer handle the rest. If you’re not sure what to say, just tell them you’re represented by counsel and you’ll have your lawyer contact them. That way, you can be sure that everything is being handled properly and you’re not inadvertently jeopardizing your case.
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Your credit score is actually likely to improve after you’re discharged from bankruptcy. The reason for this is that the events leading up to bankruptcy — incurred credit card debt, late payments, etc. — hurt your credit score more than the bankruptcy itself.
Bankruptcy is only an option if your debt-to-income ratio is too high, so it’s not something that you can just file for on a whim. In other words, by the time you file for bankruptcy, your credit score has already been significantly damaged. So, while bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for seven to 10 years, it’s not necessarily as damaging as you might think. And once it’s off your report, you’ll have a clean slate to start rebuilding your credit.
There are three ways to improve your credit score: pay off the debt in full, negotiate down the credit (keep in mind that you do owe taxes on that difference), or file bankruptcy.
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You can open a line of credit once your bankruptcy is settled. But you can only do this once every eight years (Chapter 7). For a home loan or something larger, a bank usually wants to see two years of positive credit history. With a little patience and perseverance, you can get your finances back on track.
Keep in mind that if just one of your ten accounts is delinquent, it will have a major impact on your score. So, if you’re struggling to make payments on time, it’s important to get help before your account becomes delinquent. Otherwise, you’ll find it very difficult to improve your credit score.
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Unfortunately, there is still stigma attached to bankruptcy. The negative connotation is largely cultural and the way the term is used today. However, bankruptcy is a perfectly valid option for anyone who is struggling to make ends meet. It is not something to be ashamed of, and it should not be a taboo topic. If you are feeling overwhelmed by debt, don't hesitate to talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. They can help you to understand your options and make the best decision for your situation.
A bankruptcy means a new start when it comes to your finances — its function is to wipe the slate clean.
In some cases, you may be lured by a debt collector who tries to reduce the debt on your behalf. Typically, you will have multiple lines of credit and most debt collectors will attempt to discharge each separately. While some debt can be negotiated down, the time it takes to do so will cost you time and money. During this time, your credit score continues to drop, and you put yourself at risk of being sued. Remember that your credit score will not go back up until all your creditors are paid off.
A bankruptcy attorney can run an asset analysis to learn which assets would be sold, in case you do file. This is a quick exercise that runs through your homestead, bank accounts, and any other valuable possessions (example: original art) that you may have. The best time to file for bankruptcy is when you have no assets on the line. In other words, when there are no assets that can be repossessed and sold by the court.
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Yes. Just keep up on the payments.
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We work on a contingency basis, which means that we only get paid if we reach a settlement on your behalf. If we do not reach a settlement, you will not owe us anything. Our fee is a percentage of the total settlement, so it is in our best interest to get you the highest settlement possible. We have a team of experienced negotiators who are skilled at getting the most money for our clients. We will fight for every penny that you deserve. Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.
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There are many factors to consider when filing a personal injury claim. First, it depends on the type of injury. Some injuries are more serious than others and may warrant a higher settlement. Second, is the entity at fault a government entity? If so, the process for filing a claim is different than if the at-fault party is a private company or individual. Third, what state do you live in? Each state has its own laws governing personal injury claims.
It is always best to contact an attorney as soon as possible after sustaining a personal injury. Anything said prior to hiring an attorney can be used against you in your case. Often, insurance companies will try to push for a quick settlement. However, this may not be in your best interest. Once you settle the case, you do not get a penny more. An experienced attorney will fight for the settlement you deserve.
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If you’re involved in an accident, it’s important to call your insurance company right away. But it’s also important not to give a statement to your insurance company — or the opposing party’s insurance company. Why? Because they don’t have your best interests at heart. They’re looking to minimize the amount of money they have to pay out, and they may use your statement against you.
So, it’s best to just give them the facts and let your lawyer handle the rest. If you’re not sure what to say, just tell them you’re represented by counsel and you’ll have your lawyer contact them. That way, you can be sure that everything is being handled properly and you’re not inadvertently jeopardizing your case.
Or contact us for free consulting: 888.499.9016

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