My Bankruptcy Petition Is Filed. How soon after can I move?

A bankruptcy petition is filed where the debtor currently resides on the date of the petition. The type of exemptions (protections afforded to debtors to protect a debtor’s assets) will depend on the state of residence. Thus, it may be beneficial at times for the debtor to wait to file until the debtor has moved to the new location.

In the event the debtor wishes to move after filing of the petition, the debtor must still attend the creditor hearing in the venue the petition was filed but still has the ability to move. The debtor must advise me of the change of address and I can then file the appropriate forms with the court reflecting the changes.

Since exemptions to protect a debtor’s assets vary by State, it is crucial that an experienced Bankruptcy Attorney evaluates and chooses the correct State exemptions to use and protect all of the debtor’s assets. Feel free to contact my office to make an appointment to discuss your bankruptcy concerns. I make it my goal to provide each client the dedicated time and experience for his/her bankruptcy concerns.


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